Monday, June 7, 2010

I Heart Faces- Play

When I think of "play", I think of summer. Mostly because that is what we do for three entire months. We shun responsibility, we abandon schedules, and we embrace spontaneity and fun! A huge part of our summer play involves water. We swim until we are pruney, we run through the sprinklers until we have side aches, we slide down the slip n' slide until the water pool on the grass is three times the size as the actual pool at the bottom of the slide. I love this picture because it is an honest representation of our summers.

(Plus, for my own selfish reasons, I am hoping that Amy will see it and realize that she can't miss out on a Utah summer!)

Check out i heart faces to see the other great "play" pictures. :_

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lexi and Kari

This was the funnest photo shoot! I think I could hang out with these guys all day. They were just so easy to be around. They were game for anything. It was great. It doesn't hurt that they are both so beautiful. They were also crackin' me up with their many wardrobe changes. Too funny!


This beautiful girl is a member of my third family. She is adored by my girls and they are constantly mentioning "Lizzy this..." or "Lizzy that..." even when they haven't seen her for ages. Just the other day Madi had to get a certain treat because it was the same kind she had had with Lizzy. I have to confess that I wouldn't mind at all if my girls turned out just like her. She is sweet and kind and fun and creative and helpful and so pretty!! What can I say, I totally adore her too!

This is non Lizzy related, but I took it by her house and couldn't resist posting it too.